
The FabLab is full of hazards and potential risks. Hence, it is important that we uphold safety and follow the safety percautions in the FabLab at all times. Before entering the FabLab, it is mandatory to take the FabLab Safety Assesment. It is required for us to score at least 90% before we are able to enter the FabLab. To access the test, do head to "My Community"> tab on Blackboard and then click on "FABLAB@SP">.

Some important things to note:

  • For men, long hair must be tied up. attire is t-shirt with long pants; no long sleeves and no loose attire. It is mandatory to wear covered shoes.
  • For women, long hair must be tied up, no losse jewelry allowed. No loose attire, no long sleeve, long pants must be worn. Covered shoes is also a must.
  • There will be a safety warning placards on each machine. They will rate the danger from low, medium to high. Do read the instructions on the placard before operating. Know where the emergency switch is placed at in case of emergencies.
  • Mechanical hazzards include: entanglement hazards, cutting hazards, impact hazards, shearing hazards, crushing hazards, draw-in hazards and friction and abrasion hazards.
  • Non-mechanical hazards are like fall from heights hazard, noise hazards, electrical hazards, heat-related hazards, chemical hazards, fatigue and ergonomic risk factors.
  • Some safety devices used are the emergency switch button, pressure-sensitive tips and a pressure tripping pedal.
  • Common causes of hand injuries are abrasion, temperature extremes, cuts and punctures, handling of chemicals, electric shock, skin infection and disease or contamination.
  • Good housekeeping practices include: always returning the tools back to their designated positions in the toolracks after use, always keep the workplace neat and orderly after use, always bring unused or leftover materials to the recycle area.